American Lawns
American Lawns
According to the US EPA, two of the biggest water-saving actions we can take are planting suitable plants properly and watering them just enough to meet the plant's needs. Your garden can be productive and attractive even during a drought.
Automatic Irrigation Systems
Automatic Irrigation Systems
Unless you're really careful about lawn watering it's easy to over-water or even underwater your lawn. Basic mistakes happen and can end up damaging your lawn.
Through superior design and system features, ENERGY STAR qualified clothes washers clean clothes using up to 20 gallons less water and 50% less energy than standard washers.
Test Your WaterSense
Test Your WaterSense
Here's a fun game for kids and grown-ups alike. Move the water-efficiency hero Hydro through water pipes and answer water-efficiency questions while avoiding water-wasting monsters such as Sogosaurus and Drainiac.
Toiletology 101
Toiletology 101
Let's plunge in; flush out the facts and plumb the depths of toilet repairs. Almost everything you ever wanted to know about your toilets! And some things you probably never knew you needed to know.
Xeriscaping is the concept of creating appealing landscape that requires little watering. The principles of water-wise gardening can be applied to all landscaping projects - residential or commercial - and to all or part of a yard.