Odd/Even Summer Watering

The Odd/Even Summer Watering Calendar

To promote water use efficiency, the District suggets that during the summer months, all residential and commercial customers follow the Odd~Even Outdoor Watering Calendar.

ODD: Following the odd/even watering schedule simply means that if your home address is an odd number, you set your irrigation system, or do your outdoor watering, on odd numbered days of the month.

EVEN: If you live at a even numbered address, set your irrigation system, or do your outdoor watering, on the even numbered calendar dates.

FACT: High demand on any water system puts added stress on all facility components. Pumps, motors, electricity consumption, and water reserves are all under strain during hot weather.

DO YOUR PART: Voluntary use of the recommended watering schedule historically brings good results. Please encourage your neighbors to participate.

Here are some other no-nonsense tips:

  • Use a hose nozzle that can be shut off.
  • Shut the water water at the house when finished with the hose. Letting water pressure remain in your hose will damage it and soon be a source of leaks.
  • Check landscape irrigation systems for leaks.
  • Repair, replace, or adjust sprinkler heads as needed.