Sierra System - Well Test Pumping

Sierra System - Well Test Pumping

Just a heads up that the well driller will be conducting pump testing on the well based on the following schedule:

September 26 - Step test starts after lunch, done by 5:00 PM

September 27 - Constant rate test starts at 9:00 AM.

September 28 - Constant rate test stops at 9:00 AM.

The only thing residents might notice is the testing water that is anticipated to be pumped in to the storm water manhole, but this may change based on logistics and may be pumped to the ditch in front of or behind our property.  Therefore residents may see some additional groundwater, but we will monitor this closely and if it appears there is any significant impact to the community or property we can stop the testing. 

We do not anticipate any impact to water service and the Reservoir will be kept at the appropriate level to provide adequate pressure and service to the residents of Sierra. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this project.

Sean Vance

General Manager

Valley Water District
